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Our Team Members

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Annie Dignan

Annie’s role at PFK is to keep the volunteers, staff team, board and key partners all on the same waka, paddling in the same direction to an agreed destination. Annie particularly enjoys meeting volunteers and hearing about their inspiring efforts to work with the community and restore the local environment. Her favourite native is the Ruru as she loves its all-knowing look.

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Fiona Smal

Fiona’s role at PFK is to increase engagement with restoration at home, in reserves and the places in-between, by encouraging our community to love and protect native biodiversity. She enjoys the giving attitudes of each volunteer or resident who takes a step forward for the benefit of local biodiversity.  Her favourite native animal is the tīeke (saddleback) for its association with pecking about on the ground and for epitomising the long term success of pest free initiatives.

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Louise Jury

Louise looks after all things finance, from paying staff and suppliers to tracking spend on projects, applying for funding, invoicing and making sure all finance-related regulatory requirements are satisfied. She loves how passionate everyone is about their work at PFK. Her favourite native is a tie between the pīwakawaka - so friendly and sociable - and the kereru - so majestic.

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Maisie Hamilton Murray

Maisie works to protect and enhance the ‘green’ spaces of Kaipātiki, and to educate people about the wonderful native plants in the area. She loves the tangible environmental protection gained through this work, and that restoration is being achieved. One of Maisie's favourite native species is kauri, an ecosystem-defining tree. 

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Angela Mueller

Angela’s role at PFK is to help tamariki to take action for our native plants and animals, and coordinate the Buffer programme. The thing she most enjoys about working for PFK is being outdoors with tamariki and rangatahi - connecting people with nature and with other people. Angela’s favourite native is the tīeke (saddleback) and she would love to hear their song in Kaipātiki one day!

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Tania McBeth-Stanton

Tania's role is to provide administrative support to the PFK team. She is inspired by the people, both staff and volunteers, who are working so hard to make a difference to our local environment. Tania has a soft spot for the playful native pīwakawaka and loves hearing their distinctive little cheeps in the backyard.


Lucy Kelly

Lucy facilitates engagement with the Kaipātiki community around conservation issues, particularly focusing on kauri dieback and myrtle rust. She enjoys meeting and working with others passionate about the local ecology of Kaipātiki. One of Lucy's favourite natives is pūpū rangi (kauri snail). She loves that they are a species associated with kauri forests and an example of Aotearoa's island gigantism. 

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Tom Dargaville

Tom collaborates with restoration groups, focusing on flood mitigation, as well as being involved in the buffer programme and supporting PFK’s data and reporting. He loves working with people who share his passion for conservation. With a background in native reptiles, his favourite animal is the Forest Gecko.


Ange Wadsworth

Ange looks after the communication needs of the organisation. She is inspired by the dedication of volunteers, residents and PFK staff working to restore the special ecology of Kaipātiki. Her favourite bird is the ruru, with their distinctive night call.

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Katrin Prendergast


Lucette Hindin

Lucette’s role at PFK is to ensure that our one thousand (approx) volunteers have the best possible experience: She supports volunteer recruitment, training, induction, systems, and events to celebrate and recognise the wonderful contribution of volunteers in so many aspects of PFK’s work. Nothing would be possible without the contribution of volunteers at the heart of everything we do. Her favourite native is kōtare (kingfisher) as she aspires to achieve the same blend of poise and cuteness. 

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Kim Ollivier
GIS ADVISOR (volunteer)

Kim works on our GIS system and keeps it working great.

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Urs Steck
WEBSITE EDITOR (volunteer)

Urs is helping to keep our website up-to-date and looking awesome. 

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