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Join your Area Halo


What are Ecological Halos?

Ecological Halos are communities of people living around areas with significant ecological value, working together as kaitiaki (guardians) to protect and restore the area.

“Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much.” – Helen Keller

What sort of impact can we have when we work together? What would it mean for our children to grow up in a neighbourhood where people know and support one another? What difference would a connected response to our changing world make?


When we come together as a neighbourhood, get to know who lives nearby and how we can draw our skills and efforts together, the results can be impressive:

  • Working together on projects, e.g. weeding bees, planting days, clean ups, predator trap lines

  • Neighbourhood resilience in times of threat or disaster

  • Social events, sharing food, having fun together and giving our children an experience of neighbourhood


The Halo Project aims to bring small clusters of neighbours together to protect and restore areas of significant ecological value.

Together, you can contribute to the preservation of the area in many ways including:

  • Hosting a rat trap or bait station on your property

  • Removing pest plants and weeds from your backyard or local reserve (with the help of your friends and neighbours)

  • Activating and organising others in your street as a street champion

  • Planting native species on your property

  • Volunteering with a local group

As a result of people working together within ecological halos, our native species can flourish now and into the future.


Which Halo are you in?

Kaipātiki is divided into 18 PFK Halo areas. Find out more about specific Halo areas using the links below.

Explore the map to see which Halo you live in.

View larger map (opens a new tab)

Halo FAQs
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