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VIP Grants now available! Reminder to send in your expression of interest.


In April 2021, a second round of applications for VIP grants opens. Pest Free Kaipatiki have been granted funding thanks to the Kaipatiki Local Board and Auckland Council, to support your efforts, not only within the reserve you may be volunteering in, but also for new projects on private land.

We have two funds we would like to share with you, and we encourage you to put in an expression of interest if you have a suitable project in mind. In the past we have called this the 'VIP' fund - 'Volunteer Initiatives Fund'.

The funding is available for undertaking projects such as weed and predator control as well as to provide the equipment, professional contractors, training and other resources that you may require. Projects to protect areas from Kauri Dieback disease are also included, as are many volunteer related needs you might have that tie into a restoration project.

We have $10,000 to put towards pest plant control (Contractor support) from Auckland Council

We have $13,000 from our local board for key strategic initiatives that help build restoration efforts and community energy and enthusiasm for conservation from pest control to kauri dieback and biodiversity protection.

Interested? Need a brainstorm? Read below for more details

  • Need contractor support for steep or tricky areas of pest plants you can't do yourself? Apply.

  • Would some form of equipment assist your hit squad group? Send us your ideas.

  • Know of a group of needy neighbours who are elderly or unable but need the help with pest plant control? Give us a bell.

  • Need plants for private land after doing a bunch of pest plant control with your neighbours? Consider applying.

  • Got an idea for some community signs to spread the word of your street trapping group or other neighbourhood idea? Part of this VIP fund is flexible so send us your wish list and ideas.

  • Want to start up a street party or social meeting that includes some element about the environment in a halo and need to get the word out with flyers, signs or other printed material - maybe we can help

To remove the barriers of applying, in the first instance please send us your expression of interest by emailing or if you are unsure, call Fiona on 0210763157. You have until the end of April 16th 2021 to put in your ideas. The earlier you do so, the earlier we can contact you to talk through your ideas and request further details if necessary. Finally, below is a little guidance as to some of the criteria we consider when we read your application of interest/idea.

Initial criteria for decision making:

Projects will normally align with most of the following criteria:

  • unfunded - a project (or part of a project) that is not being currently addressed by an Auckland Council Department or one of their Contractors or by another funding agency. PFK exhaust other existing funding routes before considering supporting the applicant through the VIP to make the most effective use of this key, flexible funding

  • local - community and/or neighbourhood/halo

  • have the potential to enhance and sustain capacity and capability

  • paves the way for long term community and environmental benefits

  • improves community understanding of restoration processes

  • supports the gathering of information to monitor the ongoing success of the work undertaken

This opportunity comes with a huge thank you to our local board, who have a large focus on supporting local restoration built into their long term plan. In this time of stress and uncertainty, their continued support for conservation locally speaks volumes.

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